
AUTHOR Designer or design team: Sergison Bates architects with Jean-Paul Jaccaud Architectes The project has been submitted by: Marina Aldrovandi Plot area: 876 mq Gross Area: 3.313 mq Of which Residential: 53.4 % Public/communal areas: 13.9 % Facilities for the public: 32.6 % Business/trade: 0 Offices: 0 Number of residential units: 17 Typology of users: families Total building...

AUTHOR Designer or design team: Arch. Gianluca Buzzelli, Arch. Antonio Foglia, Ing. Alfeo Ferrara, Ing. Nicola Pipino The project has been submitted by: Gianluca Buzzelli Plot area: 1.486 mq Gross Area: 1917 Of which Residential: 58,7% Public/communal areas: 8% Facilities for the public: 0 Business/trade: 0 Offices: 33,3% Number of residential units: 18 Typology of users: families Total...